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Vision, Strategy, & Roadmapping
The Power of Prototyping: Why Wireframing, Customer Testing, and Mockups are Critical to Product Development
In the second step of Validation, let’s discuss prototyping, wireframing, and mockups. Now, these don’t come all simultaneously, but it’s good to group them together to help us define and differentiate them since these terms are often used interchangeably. They are not the same thing.
Validation 1: Impact & feasibility and the true meaning of MVP (minimum valuable product)
Before I dive into the crux of this article, I want to be clear about this new phase in the...
Discovery 8: How Might We Solve a Problem With the Worst Possible Idea
So to me, Assumption Mapping and How Might We are somewhat adjacent steps. I’ll be the first to...
Discovery 7: Assumption Mapping at the Gates of Hell
At this point, we’ve interviewed some customers, created some personas, and turned jobs to be done...
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